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Showing posts from April, 2020

How to wear a t-shirt

Hello... I am going to show you some ideas on how to wear a T-shirt,  and on what you can wear it on..  V neck T-shirt  Or you can tie it like this. You can put it on a flared skirt. Or you can wear it on its own.  During winter,  you can put a long sleeved shirt on and add your T-shirt on top. Don't forget to comment,  share and subscribe to my YouTube channel;

Ten things you don't know about me

I'm going to lay out ten things nobody knows about me.. Now the question you may ask is..  Why did you decide to tell us?  Well because people have been giving so many assumptions about me, so I hope this clears the assumptions. 1. Bathing  Aha, well,  there are days when am just  in bed all day,  or studying all day or on my phone all day and fail to take a baaaath. Waaaat🙄 Yeees. 2. Relationship      My relationship life is handsome in some areas but ugly in other areas. Let's say dating..  Am not good when it comes to dating a guy, the truth is,  I don't know what the real problem is,  I haven't discovered it yet. But When it comes to friendship, family and the like,  am so successful. I've got friends and family that love me unconditionally, but it gets weird cause I've got trust issues. 😜 3. Social life  My social life is pathetic guys, I try to fake my social life but at times I just go back to being me.  I seem

outfits to go on a date

You have probably been on a date, and seen someone in your shoes, wearing something that seems amiss.              Or There are times when you look at what a person Who is on a date with whosoever, is wearing and thought, " I can do better ". Well.. I am not going to encourage you to say " you can do better" rather,  I will show  or educate you on how to dress when going on a date. you will thank me later...  What is a date?  A date can be defined in three words, " go out with ". An alternative word for the word  date or a word that can be used in place of date is " occasion ". Some minds assume a date is when a couple go out or get romantic in a special way but, no.   A date can be categorized in so many different ways,  some haven't even come to man's intelligence yet. It can be,  A business date  A romantic date  Drinking with friends  Lunch date (not specified)  Friendly date  And so on. A business d

A letter to my fellow youths

Dear youth It is not a must that for you to be considered,  you need to have the best clothes,  information about what's trending, new designer clothes and so on.  Some people have less to show and some have more but still don't show it at all.  It is important that we recognize  our position and still make the best out of it and show it off.  Showing what you have is so important,  some people think its bragging,  but it isn't..  It is a way of sharing, it is a way of enlightening one another,  encouraging one another to do more or work extra hard,  it is motivation in disguise.  About me I have less to show, I don't have my own house or car,  I have a few clothes,  I don't earn a salary every month, I do follow up some celebrities but have less information about them. But I still make the best out of what I have and show it off for everyone to see.  I don't wait  to have more , for me to show,  I show every single little thing I have cause I k

AGM Modeling agency

What is a modelling agency?  According to Wikipedia, a modeling agency is a company that represents fashion models, to work for the fashion industry. These agencies earn their income via commission, usually from the deal they make with the model and/or the head agency. So..  What is AGM modelling agency all about?  Now.. AGM modelling agency is an agency with the heart of fashion. An agency that let's fashion be expressed by different body types. By different body types I mean,  small , big and medium body size,  literally all body sizes. With this agency you will be able to express yourself fully. Despite the age Despite the color  The main aim of the agency is to help different kinds of models who would come to us. Not only would we help,  but also, teach them and allow them explore their beauty and appreciate there bodies, help them spiritually, help them become those flawless international models they would like to be that is why our