Step by step is how it should be, everything starts small and grows with hard work. Some people have probably given up on their dreams or goals just because they have tried to make things work, but things keep failing.
It's okay to be inspired, aim to be the best, and reach where others are, but when you fail to reach that stage, don't give up.
There is nothing wrong with falling downEveryone in this life has fallen before probably more times than you think. People just choose not to publicize their failures, they choose to come out as heroes.
That should not intimidate you, it should not make you feel useless or worthless. Trust your process because darling, you live a life that you write with your own hands.
If possible, you should not be scared of falling, falling makes you learn, and become a better version of yourself. Everyone has a story to tell, make your own story and tell it in a language that you only know best.